"Editors are fiends, one and all, and it is a worthy task to get even with them after being at odds with them. It would be a happier, a purer, a more fragrant world if every editor were buried under a huge heap of stinking maradram, though that, of course, would make the smell worse." — Azazel, a "two-centimeter extraterrestrial being" who appears in a number of Isaac Asimov's fictional works, speaking of the editors where he comes from. The story, which seems to have originally appeared in the magazine Analog Science Fiction & Fact, is included in the author's "Magic: The Final Fantasy Stories" (1996).
In addition to being an extraordinarily prolific writer, Asimov was at least nominally a magazine editor, of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. I worked for another magazine published by the same company, and while I don't know how hands-on he was as an editor, he did put in frequent appearances at his namesake's offices. One year, in fact, he dressed as Santa Claus and handed out the Secret Santa gifts at our company's holiday party. Unfortunately, he apparently overplayed his dirty old man persona, and he didn't reprise the role after that.